To Schedule An Appointment
Call or Text (702) 444-6704
Can I get a same-day appointment?
Yes! We answer our phones all day and offer same day appointments.
Can you write or refill prescriptions?
Absolutely. We submit all prescriptions directly to the pharmacy during your visit. Prescriptions are usually available for pick up shortly after your appointment. We also discuss the cost of every prescription that we write.
Will my insurance cover my visit?
No. We do not accept any insurance or payment plans. All our services are $50.00 each and require payment in full at the time of service. We accept cash and credit or debit card payments.
Will I be seeing a physician?
No. You will be seeing a board-certified nurse practitioner.
Can I use NHS as my primary care provider?
Yes! You can use NHS as your primary care provider. Our office provides the full standard of care for your short-term and long-term healthcare needs.
Do you see children?
Yes and no. We see children ages 12 and over. We do not see children under the age of 12.
Are you registered with the FMCSA as an approved medical examiner for the CDL medical certificate?
Yes! Our nurse practitioner is an approved and registered medical examiner for issuing CDL/DOT medical certifications for driving a commercial vehicle.
Are you only open on Sundays and evenings?
Yes. We are open on Sundays and evenings to offer healthcare access during traditionally limited hours. We are also open regular hours on major US holidays (that fall on a Sunday-Thursday).
Do you keep medical records?
Yes! We use a state of the art electronic medical records platform. Records of every encounter are created and available as part of your patient chart.
Do you give "doctors notes"?
Yes! You are able to request (for no additional charge) a letter stating your visit date and outcome. This serves as proof of seeking healthcare for schools and employers.
Do you care for injuries?
Yes. We see a full range of minor injuries. (Ages 12 and over.) We do not perform on-site x-rays or blood work. We order these for our patients from companies such as Quest Diagnostics and Simon Med Imaging.
Can I use my HSA card?
Do you perform lab work?
We do order lab work, just like any primary care office. We do not perform this on-site. We perform several tests on-site including strep, influenza, and urine drug testing. Your provider will discuss with you if lab work is needed. If it is ordered, you would get your blood drawn at a lab of your choice. Any fees or costs incurred for blood work you will pay directly to the lab. We do have an arrangement for lower rates with local labs for those without insurance.
Are you an urgent care or primary care?
We have the aspects of a primary care office that offers many of the same services that are traditionally obtained from an urgent care. We do not offer the full services of an urgent care such as on-site lab work or x-rays. Our same-day appointments allow us to provide some of the basic urgent care needs and at a much lower cost.
Do you offer vaccines?
We offer the influenza (seasonally) and TDAP vaccines only. The TDAP vaccine is available for $75.00, The influenza vaccine is available for $39.00.
Do you offer the TB skin test?
Yes we do! We offer one step and two step tests. There are no additional charges for paperwork or skin test readings. TB skin tests are $35.00 for each test if that is your only need. When a TB skin test is part of a visit for a physical it is lowered to $30.00 per test.
Do you offer telehealth (virtual) appointments?
Yes! We offer telehealth visits. Many conditions can be managed without coming into the office. Telehealth visits are the same $50.00. Not all conditions can be treated remotely. You will not be charged for the telehealth visit if it is determined that your condition needs to be treated in-person.